During their formal education, teaching staff do not have subjects dealing with the principles of democracy and EU values, while a small number of them have subjects dealing with multiculturalism, historical heritage and cultural heritage of European nations.
Through the implementation of this project, we want to strengthen the fields for which, through detailed research of the content of the school program (plan analysis) and self-evaluation (survey questionnaire) and evaluation, we have established that they are not sufficiently represented in the school, or if they are, then they are represented to a lesser extent, and they concern student activism, democracy, acceptance of diversity, tolerance. The teacher will be able to implement new knowledge and skill regarding the topic and teaching methods in order to make a school transformation regarding the values and attitudes and encouraging the students to become active citizens. This project, through various workshops, project and Junior parliament constitution, aims to help students develop critical thinking, acquire conflict management, effective communication and collaboration skills, deeper understanding of diversity and multiculturalism, students' interest in other languages, peoples, cultures, so that they understand, appreciate and respect similarities and differences, foster inclusive and tolerant society governed by democratic principles and common European values.
O projektu
Tokom svog formalnog obrazovanja, nastavno osoblje nema predmete koji se bave principima demokratije i vrednostima Evropske unije, dok samo mali broj njih ima predmete koji se bave multikulturalizmom, istorijskim nasleđem i kulturnim nasleđem evropskih nacija. Kroz implementaciju ovog projekta, želimo da ojačamo oblasti za koje smo, putem detaljnog istraživanja sadržaja školskog programa (analiza plana) i samoevaluacije (anketa), utvrdili da nisu dovoljno zastupljene u školi, ili su, ako jesu, tada predstavljene u manjoj meri, a tiču se aktivizma učenika, demokratije, prihvatanja različitosti i tolerancije. Nastavnik će biti sposoban da primeni nova znanja i veštine u vezi sa temom i metodama nastave kako bi izvršio transformaciju škole u pogledu vrednosti i stavova i podstakao učenike da postanu aktivni građani. Ovaj projekat, putem različitih radionica, projekata i konstituisanja Malog parlamenta,ima za cilj da kod ulenika razvije kritičko mišljenje, da steknu veštine upravljanja konfliktima, efikasne komunikacije i saradnje, da omogući dublje razumevanje različitosti i multikulturalizma, te interesovanje učenika za druge jezike, narode i kulture, kako bi razumeli, cenili i poštovali sličnosti i razlike, te podsticali inkluzivno i tolerantno društvo vođeno demokratskim principima i zajedničkim evropskim vrednostima.
This project has been funded with support from theEuropean Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"